Radiation Protection and Radioecology Research Group

ITU Energy Institute
A. Beril Tuğrul, Prof.Dr. (Group Leader)
Filiz Baytaş, Prof. Dr.
Nilgün Yavuz, Prof..Dr.
Nesrin Altınsoy, Assoc.Prof..Dr.
Nilgün Baydoğan, Assoc.Prof..Dr.
Sevilay Hacıyakupoğlu, Assist.Prof..Dr.
Muhittin Okka, Dr., TRIGA Mark-II
Sahip Kızıltaş, Yük.Lis., TRIGA MARK-II
Mehmet Genceli,Phy.Eng,TRIGA MARK-II
Bülent Büyük, Research Assist.
Inside ITU
Prof.Dr. Cenap ÖZBEN (ITU Science-Letter Faculty, Physics Science Division )
Prof.Dr. Cenap ÖZBEN (ITU Science-Letter Faculty, Physics Science Division )
Prof.Dr. Sabri ÇELİK (ITU Mining Faculty )
Prof.Dr. Yüksel ÖRGÜN (ITU Mining Faculty)
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Zuhal ER (İTÜ Fen-Ed.Fak.- Fizik Bölümü)
Outside ITU
Prof.Dr. Mustafa DEMİR (IU Cerrahpaşa Medicine Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Division)
Prof.Dr. Ahmet HIZAL (IU Forestry Facultyi)
Doç.Dr. Ferhat GÖKBULAK (IU Forestry Faculty)
Outside Turkey
- Prof.Dr.Des WALLING (EU )
Main Subjects:
- Health Physics
- Radiation Shielding
- Evaluation of Environmental Radiooactivity
- Erosion investigation by Radionuclides
- Radioctive Wastes
Mission of Research Group on Radiation Protection and Radioecology
To determine and to search on radiation protection and Radioecology which include determination of natural radioactivity levels in soil, water and air, contamination and decontamination monitoring, dosimetry for different conditions