SCI and SCI Expanded Publications in Last 5 Years, International Book and Book Chapters

International Articles in Last 5 Years

A. Aydin and A. Sisman, “Dimensional Transitions in Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann Gases”, Phys. Scr., 90, 045208, (2015) 

A. Aydin and A. Sisman, “Discrete Nature of Thermodynamics in Confined Ideal Fermi Gases”, Phys. Lett. A, 378, (2014), 2001-2007

G. Babac and J. M. Reese, "Knudsen heat capacity", Physics of Fluids, in press.

Pasaoglu, G., Fiorello, D., Martino, A., Zani, L., Zubaryeva, A., Thiel, C., “Travel patterns and the potential use of electric cars – Results from a direct survey in six European countries”,  TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING & SOCIAL CHANGE, in press.

Pasaoglu, G., Zubaryeva, A., Fiorello, D., Thiel, C., “Analysis of European mobility surveys and their potential to support studies on electrical vehicles impact on energy systems in Europe”, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING & SOCIAL CHANGE, in press.  

M. B. Yurtseven, E. Erkin, E. Acuner, S. Mete, S. Onaygil, "An experimental investigation of energy saving potentials for room type variable-speed air conditioners in public offices: A case study from Istanbul", Energy and Buildings 68 (2014), 165-171.

Loisel, R., Pasaoglu, G., Thiel, C., “Large-scale deployment of Electrical Vehicles in Germany by 2030. An analysis of grid-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-grid concepts”, ENERGY POLICY, (65), 2014, pp: 432-443.

Babac G and Reese. J.M., "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Classical Thermosize Effects", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 18(1), 39-53, (2014).

B. Manav, E. Erkin, Ö. Güler, S. Onaygil, “An Experimental Study on Tubular fluorescent and LED Lamps with Respect to Energy Performance and Visual Comfort”, Light and Engineering, 2013, Volume (issues) 21(4): ISN:1380-7870

Coskun Firat and Altug Sisman, “Quantum forces of a gas confined in nano structures”, Phys. Scr., 2013, 87:4, 045008.

Tureyen, O.I., Sarak, H., Altun, G., Satman, A.:”A Modeling Analysis of Unitized Production: Understanding Sustainable Management of Geothermal Resources With Multiple Lease Owners”, submitted for possible publication in Geothermics, 4 Sept. 2013.

Korkmaz, E.D., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Geothermal Boom in Turkey: Growth in Identified Capacities and Potentials”, Accepted for publication in Renewable Energy, Revised Version submitted on 24 Oct. 2013.

Örkün, Y., Karatepe, N., Yavuz, R. “Influence of Temperature and Impregnation Ratio of H3PO4 on the Production of Activated Carbon from Hazelnut Shell”, Acta Physica Polonica A, 121 (1), 277-280, 2012.

A. Sisman and G. Babac, “Quantum Size Effects on Classical Thermosize Effects”, Continuum Mechanics & Thermodynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00161-011-0214-9, (2012)

C.Firat, A.Beyene, “Comparison of direct and indirect PV power output using filters, lens, and fiber transport", Energy. 2012, 41:1, 271-77.

B. B. Topuz, G. Gündüz, B. Mavis, Ü. Çolak, "Synthesis and characterization of copper phthalocyanine and tetracarboxiamide copper phthalocyanine deposited mica-titania pigment", Dyes and Pigments, No. 96, 01/2012, s. 31-37 

Pasaoglu, G., Honselaar, M., Thiel, C. “Potential vehicle fleet CO2 reductions and cost implications for various vehicle technology deployment scenarios in Europe”, ENERGY POLICY, vol. 40, 2012, pp. 404-421.(This paper was positively and extensively reviewed by David A. Howey in Nature Climate Change (Howey, D.A., “Policy: A challenging future for cars”, Nature Climate Change, volume 2, 2012, pp. 28–29)).

I. Uslu, A. Aytimu, S. Koçyiğit, F. Özcan, M. K. Öztürk, Ü. Çolak, "Synthesis and characterization of erbia and ceria doped calcia stabilized nanocrystalline zirconia based ceramics", J. Sol Gel Sci Tech, 12/2012 

M. Türkmen, Ü. Çolak, "Effect of pebble packing on neutron spectrum and the isotopic composition of HTGR fuel", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 46, 2012, s. 29-36 

Sozer H., Clark R., Elnimeiri M., Applying traditional architectural rules for energy efficiency and lateral structural stiffness to an 80 Story Tower. Journal of Energy, 4761-4768 pp., 2011, DOI: doi:10.1016/

Mamatimin Abbas, Gulbeden Cakmak, Nalan Tekin, Ali Kara, Hasan Yuksel Guney, Elif Arici, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, “Water soluble poly(1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole) as novel dielectric layer for organic field effect transistors”, Organic Electronics 12 (2011) 497–503.

Pasaoglu, G., “Using the decentralized and liberalized electricity market microworld (LEMM) as an educational tool”, ENERGY POLICY, 39(1), 2011, pp. 187-199.

Karatepe, N., Yuca, N., Hydrogen Adsorption on Carbon Nanotubes Purıfıed By Dıfferent Methods, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol: 36, No: 17, 11467-11473, 2011.

N. Khazeni, G. Gündüz, B. Mavis, Ü. Çolak, "Synthesis of zirconium tungstate-zirconia core-shell composite particles", Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 46, No. 11, 2011, s. 2025-2031 

B. B. Topuz, G. Gündüz, B. Mavis, Ü. Çolak, "The effect of tin dioxide (SnO(2)) on the anatase-rutile phase transformation of titania (TiO(2)) in mica-titania pigments and their use in paint", Dyes and Pigments, Vol. 90, No. 2, 2011, s. 123-128 

Simge Çınar, Güngör Gündüz, Bora Mavis, Üner Çolak, "Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Oleylamine-Oleic Acid Reduction and Its Use in Making Nanocable by Coaxial Electrospinning", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, 2011, s. 3669-3679 

Sozer H, Improving Energy Efficiency through the Design of the Building Envelope, Journal of Building and Environment, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pgs 2581-2593, May2010

Yavuz, R., Akyıldız, H., Karatepe, N., Çetinkaya, E., “Influence of Preparation Conditions on Porous Structures of Olive Stone Activated by H3PO4”, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol: 91, No:1, 80-87, 2010.

J. N. Freitas*, I. R. Grova, L. C. Akcelrud, E. Arici, N. S. Sariciftci, A. F. Nogueira, “Effect of CdSe incorporation in polymer/PCBM solar cells” ,Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (2010) 4845.

C. Firat, A. Sisman and Z.F. Ozturk, “Thermodynamics of gases in nano cavities”, Energy, 35, 814-819, (2010)

Maktav, D., Kolay,C., Yegen, B., Önöz, B., Sunar, F., Coşkun, G., Karadogan, H., Cakan, M., Integration of remote sensing and GIS for archaeological investigations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(7) 1663-1673,2009.

Z. F. Ozturk and A.Sisman, “Quantum size effects on thermal and potential conductivities of ideal gases”, Physica Scripta, 80, 065402 (2009)

G. Babac, A. Sisman and T. Cimen, “Two-dimensional thermal analysis of liquid hydrogen tank insulation”, Int.J. Hydrogen Energy, 34, 6357-6363, (2009)

C. Fırat, A. Şişman, “Universality of the quantum boundary layer for a Maxwellian gas”, Physica Scripta, 79, 065002 (5pp), (2009)

International Books and Book Chapters


G. Pasaoglu,  C. Thiel,  A. Martino,  A. Zubaryeva,  D. Fiorello,  L. Zani, "Projections for Electric Vehicle Load Profiles in Europe Based on Travel Survey Data", JRC SCIENTIFIC AND POLICY REPORTS , 2013 ISBN 978-92-79-30387-6.

G. Pasaoglu, D. Fiorello, A. Martino, G. Scarcella,  A. Zubaryeva, C. Thiel, “Driving and parking patterns of European car drivers – a mobility survey”, JRC SCIENTIFIC AND POLICY REPORTS, 2012, ISBN 978-92-79-27739-9.

C. Thiel, A. Alemanno, G. Scarcella, A. Zubaryeva, G. Pasaoglu, “Attitude of European car drivers towards electric vehicles: a survey”, JRC SCIENTIFIC AND POLICY REPORTS, 2012, ISBN 978-92-79-27390-2.

“Inorganic nanoparticles for photovoltaic applications”   E. Arici*Chapter 8 of Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Perspectives (Nanomaterials and Their Applications) edited by C. Altavilla and E. Ciliberto, Crc Press Inc. 185 (2010), ISBN 1439817618.

H. Nabielek ve Ü. Çolak (Ed.), "High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Fuels and Materials", 2010, No. IAEA , International Atomic Energy Agency.


Son güncelleme: 27.03.2015