
Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine

TauridaNational V.I. Vernadsky University

Geography department

Young Scientists Council of Geography Department

Students Scientific Society of Geography department

UNESCO Chair "Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development"

“Ovidius” University of Constantza


II International scientific conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists

"Geographical and Geoecological Research of Ukraine and Adjacent Territories"

(01 - 07 April 2013)

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the II International scientific conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists "Geographical and Geoecological Research of Ukraine and Adjacent Territories". The Conference will be held on 1 – 7 April, 2013, at the Geography Department of the Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University.

The conference includes the followingsections:

1. Physical geography (paleogeography, geomorphology, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, soil science, biogeography, landscape ecology, oceanography);

2. Social geography and tourism;

3. Geoecology and constructive-geography researches

4. Geoinformatics, land management and cadastre

5. Methods of geography and ecology teaching. History of geographical and geoecological research

6. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development

The conference proceedings will be published before the conference beginning

Advisory Committee

Prof.Boris Vakhrushev,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University – Chairman;

Dr.Gregory Skrebets., Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University – Vice-Chairman;

Dr.Lyudmila Bagrova,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Prof.Vladimir Berzhansky,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Tatyana Bobra,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Prof.Vladimir Bokov,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Novella Dragan,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Mikhail Kuznecov,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Alexander Lychak,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Prof.Eden Mamut, “Ovidius” University of Constantza;

Dr.Alim Mazinov,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Prof.Ekaterina Pozachenyuk,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Alexandera Shvets,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Natalya Sahnova,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Dr.Lidiya Sotskova,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University;

Prof.Irina Yakovenko,Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University.

Organizing Committee

Skrebets G.(Chairman),Gorbunov R.(Vice-Chairman),Gorbunova T.(Secretary),Besedina E., Bobyleva T., Vlasova A., Volkhin D., Gapon S., Logvinenko E., Rudyk A., ProkopovG., Shamray N., Shumskikh N.

Important Dates:

1. Submission of applications, articles and payment of fee –up to 15.02.2013

2. The conference -01 – 06 04.2013

3. The excursion –07.04.2013

The works that don’t correspond to the requirements, sent after the deadlines or without organizing payment fee will not participate in the conference.

Requirements for papers

The volume of article - 3 – 5 A4 pages, dialed in MS Word 2003, 1 interval font Times New Roman font size 14. All fields are 2 cm. In the first line is printed UDC (left alignment, font size 14, bold italic). On the next line is written the article title (centered, in bold capital letters, font size 14). On the next line - name and surname of the author (centered, bold, italic, font size 14). On the next line - the place of work or study, city, country (centered, bold italic, font size 14). On the next line - e-mail (centered, italic, font size 14). Next in line is typed text of the article (justification, font size 14).

Tables, figures and formulas are inserted in the text. Figure captions are drawn 14 font size, center italics.

List of references 12 font, single-spaced, justified.Referencestyped 12 font size on the next line after the main text. Formatting – bold italic. Bibliographic description is made in accordance with the requirements of WAC (Form 23).


The volume of articles with the title and the list of references should not exceed 5 pages!

The best works will be recommended for publication in the journals from the State Accreditation Committee of Ukraine list on Geography Sciences.

Working languages:Russian, Ukrainian, English.


Arrangement fee

The organizing fee is 25 euro. It includes the cost of organizing conferences, the conference materials and proceedings publishing, coffee breaks. Travel expenses, accommodation and meals for the participants of the conference, as well as participation in additional program (banquet, a tour) are charged independently at the registration. Organizing fee should be sent by mail to 95007, Ukraine, Simferopol, Ak. Vernadsky Ave, 4, to the Geoecology Department, recipient – Roman Gorbunov.


During the conference participants can live in Simferopol hotels. Organizing committee is ready to provide information about the cost of rooms and hotel contacts.


Applications for participation, articles, copies of organizing fee please send to the If you have any questions you can also contact to the address, or by phone +38 0955534258 (Tatiana Gorbunova)


See you at the conference!

We will be grateful for the dissemination of this information among your colleagues!

II International scientific conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists

"Geography and Geoecology Researches of Ukraine and Adjacent Territories"

(April 01– 07, 2013)



Name, Surname ___________________________________________________________

Place of study/work ________________________________________________________

Structural unit (faculty, department, laboratory, office, etc.) ________________________

Position _________________________________________________________________

Title of the article __________________________________________________________

Scientific advisor __________________________________________________________

Sections _________________________________________________________________

The form of participation (full-time, distance) ___________________________________

Postal address _____________________________________________________________

Telephone _______________________________________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________________________

Proposals to organizing committee ____________________________________________


- Konferans Programı

Konferans Sunumları

-Cansu Deniz

-Hakan Esgel