Sevan Karabetoğlu
Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
Renewable Energy Division
Room: 217
Tel: +90 (212) 285 38 80
Fax: +90 (212) 285 38 84
CV and Publications
· PhD, 2010 - 2017: Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
· MSc, 2010 : Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
· Lisans, 2005 : Mechanical Engineering, Yıldız Technical University
Professional Experiences
Since 07/2017 : Research Assistant PhD, Energy Institute, ITU
2011-2017 : Research Assistant, Energy Institute, ITU
2010-2011 : Ind. Supp. Res. Assist., Energy Institute, ITU
Research Interests
• Statistical thermodynamics and transport
• Quantum size effects and its applications,
• Direct energy converge systems like thermoelectric devices,
Scientific Research and Development Projects Involved
Project Title : Modernization of ITU Triga Mark-II nuclear research reactor
Supported by : Ministry of Development
Budget : 6.000.000 TL (3.000 000 $) + Supplem. budget. 3.000.000 TL (890.000 $)
Dates : July 2014/ Dec 2016. + Jan 2017 / Dec 2019
Responsibility : Researcher
Industrial Application Projects
Project Title : Design and application of a stratospheric balloon for HD video capture and some physical quantity measurements
Supported by : Ülker Corp.
Budget : 700 000 TL (350 000 $)
Dates : April 2013/ April 2014.
Responsibility : Researcher
Project Title : Design and application of a chemical reactor
Supported by : Ülker Corp.
Budget : 472 000 TL (270 000 $)
Dates : January 2012/ July 2012.
Responsibility : Researcher
Project Title : Design and application of micro power plant based on electrical bicycles
Supported by : Ülker Corp.
Budget : 168 000 TL (96 000 $)
Dates : March 2011/ November 2011.
Responsibility : Researcher
Papers published in peer reviewed international journals
1.S. Karabetoglu and A. Sisman, “Thermosize effects in semiconductors”, Physics Letters A, 381, pp.2704-2708, (2017)
2.S. Karabetoglu, A. Sisman and Z.F. Ozturk, “An analytical solution for quantum size effects on Seebeck coefficient”, Physica Scripta, 91, 035803, (2016)
3.S. Karabetoglu, A. Sisman, Z.F.Ozturk and T. Sahin, “Characterization of a thermoelectric generator at low temperatures”, Energy Conversion and Management, 62 pp.47-50, (2012).
Papers Published in International Conference Proceedings
1.S.Karabetoğlu, A. Şişman “Dimensional transitions in thermodynamic properties”, 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, 1-5 July 2013, Brescia, Italy
2.Z.F. Ozturk, A. Sisman, S. Karabetoglu, “Quantum confinement effects on Seebeck coefficient”, 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference 1-5 July 2013, Brescia, Italy
3.S.Karabetoğlu, A. Şişman, F.Öztürk, T.Şahin, “Characterization of a thermoelectric generator at low temperatures”, ECOS2011 Conference, 4-8 July 2011, Novisad, Serbia.
4.S.Karabetoğlu, T.Şahin, A. Şişman, F.Öztürk, “Modelling, design and experimental characterization of a thermoelectric cooler”, ECOS2011 Conference, 4-8 July 2011, Novisad, Serbia.
Papers Published in International Conference Abstract Books
1.S.Karabetoğlu, A. Şişman, “Thermosize Effects in Semiconductors”, 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, 21-25 May 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
2.S.Karabetoglu, A. Sisman, “Modification of Knudsen Law for Confined Systems” XXV Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Confined Sytems Proceedings, 6-10 June 2016,Barcelona, Spain.
3.S.Karabetoglu, A. Sisman, “Thermosize potential in non-degenerate semiconductors” 34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2015) and 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2015) Proceedings, 28 June – 2 July 2015, Dresden, Germany.