Senem Şentürk Lüle

senem.luleSenem ŞENTÜRK LÜLE
Asst. Prof. Dr.

Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute
Nuclear Research Division

Tel:  +90 (212) 285 3941
Fax: +90 (212) 285 3884




Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Nuclear Energy Engineering Division, Hacettepe University, Turkey



School of Physics and Astronomy, Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors Division, The University of Birmingham, UK



Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Nuclear Energy Engineering Division, Hacettepe University, Turkey



Department of Nuclear Energy Engineering, Hacettepe University, Turkey


Academic Experience
2016- Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute, Nuclear Research Division


Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Nuclear Energy Engineering, Hacettepe University, Turkey


Professional Experience

2016-2017  Nuclear Safeguards Inspector, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria


Nuclear Energy Engineer, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center, Turkey


Radiation Shielding Specialist, Serco Assurance, UK


Scientific Research Interests

Monte Carlo method
Radiation shielding calculations
Neutronic analysis of power and research reactors with Monte Carlo and deterministic methods
Thermal hydraulic analysis of power and research reactors
Flow modeling with computational fluid dynamics
Nuclear Safeguards and nuclear security
Radiation protection


A. Expanded SCI International Journals

  1. Senem Şentürk Lüle, Levent Özdemir, Adem Erdoğan, “Application of CNUREAS and MCNP5 codes to VVER-1000 MOX Core Computational Benchmark”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 85 (2015) 454-461.
  2. Senem Şentürk Lüle, Uner Colak, Murat Koksal, Gorkem Kulah, “CFD Simulations of Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted Bed Nuclear Fuel Coaters”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 21 (2015) 122-132.

B. International Conference Proceedings

  1.  Ü. Çolak, S. Şentürk Lüle, “The Future of Nuclear Energy and Changing Roles”, International Energy Raw Materials and Energy Summit, 27-30 September 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. V. Simsek, S. Senturk Lule, “Assessment and Prognosis of Local Radioactive Incident Using Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling”, International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response, 19-23 October 2015, Vienna, Austria. 
  3. Ü. Çolak, S. Şentürk Lüle, “Accident Tolerant Fuel”, International Energy Raw Materials and Energy Summit, 1-3 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
  4. S. Şentürk Lüle, Ü. Çolak, “Thorium as Nuclear Fuel”, International Energy Raw Materials and Energy Summit, 1-3 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
  5. S. Şentürk Lüle, Ü. Çolak, “Neutronic Comparison of Proposed Claddings for Accident Tolerant Fuel with Zirconium Based Cladding in PWRs”, International Conference on Nuclear Power for the People, 2-5 September 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
  6. Levent Özdemir, Adem Erdoğan, Senem Şentürk Lüle, “Burnup Calculations of TR-2 research Reactor: MONTEBURNS Simulations and Experimental Verification”, Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte CARLO 2010 (SNA+MC2010), 17-20 October 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

C.International Conference Book of Abstracts 

  1. S. Senturk Lule, U. Colak, “Application of Monte Carlo Techniques to Dose Rate Calculations of Gamma Irradiation Facility”, 23rd WiN Global Annual Conference, 24-28 August 2015, Vienna, Austria.
  2. Uner Colak, Senem Senturk Lule, “Nuclear Power projects in Turkey and Human Resource Development Activities”, International Conference on Nuclear Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific, 28-30 October 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Project Title TC Project RER/0043 Enhancing Capacity Building Activities in the European Nuclear and Radiation Safety Organizations for the Safe Operation of Facilities 
Supporting Organization International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
Duration   2018-2021
Responsibility  Project Coordinator


The University of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy Jean Liquier-Milward Prize, 2004.

Chamber of engineers, associations, academies, etc. institutional memberships

  1. Nuclear Energy Engineers Association
  2. Women in Nuclear Global/Turkey