Nilgün Karatepe Yavuz
Prof.Dr., Deputy Director
Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute
Renewable Energy Division
Room no:
Tel: +90 (212) 285 3940
Fax: +90 (212) 285 3884
· PhD: İstanbul Technical University, Chemical Engineering
· MSc: İstanbul Technical University, Chemical Engineering
· BSc: Anadolu University, Chemical Engineering
Professional experiences (in chronological order)
· 2009-2010: Associate Professor, ITU, Energy Institute
· 2007-2009: Assistant Professor, ITU, Energy Institute
· 2000 (May- September): Visiting Researcher, Newcastle University
· 1991-2006: Research Assistant, ITU, Chemical Engineering
Courses (for last 10 years, in chronological order)
Name of program: Energy Science and Technology Graduate Program
· Fuel cell, 2009
· Energy, Environment and Law, 2009
· Fuel cell, 2008
· Energy, Environment and Law, 2008
· Fuel cell, 2007
· Energy, Environment and Law, 2007
· Fuel cell, 2006
· Energy, Environment and Law, 2006
· Energy, Environment and Law, 2005
Research Interests (max. 5)
· Carbon nanotube technologies
· Activated carbon Technologies
· Hydrogen Energy: Production, Storage and Conversion Technologies
· Energy and Environment
· Adsorption
Referee for International Journals (in alphabetic order)
· Chemical Engineering Communications
· Chemical Engineering Journal
· Chemical Engineering Science
· Environmental Engineering Science
· Environmental Science and Technology
· Environmental Technology
· International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
· Fuel
· Journal of Hazardous Materials
· Resources, Conservation and Recycling
. Editorial board memberships
. Memberships (in alphabetic order)
. Supervised thesis completed (in chronological order)
· Investigation of Activated Carbon Production Process by Using Thermogravimetric Analysis, Burcu Özdemir, May 2009.
· Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Using Polymers, Ayşenur ÖRS, May 2009.
· Flue Gas Desulphurization by Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Olive Stone,Eda Çetinkaya, December 2008.
· Redox Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Metal Supported SOFC, Esra Kunt, December 2007.
Projects (research projects supported by BAP, TUBITAK, IAEA, FP7 and Industry, in chronological order)
Project Title: Carbon Nanotube Synthesis and Its Use in the Field of Energy: Hydrogen Storage ve Fuel CellSupported by: State Planning Organization
Dates: 2008-2011
Responsibility: Project director
Project Title: Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Chemical Vapour Deposition Method and Investigation of Its Hydrogen Storage
Supported by: İTÜ Research Foundation
Budget:88 000 TL
Dates: 2008-2011
Responsibility: Project director
Project Title: Gas Desulphurization Using Activated Carbon
Supported by: İTÜ Research Foundation
Budget: 36 000 TL
Dates: 2005-2006
Responsibility: ResearcherProject Title: Gas Desulphurization Using Fly Ash
Supported by: State Planning Organization
Dates: 1998-2005
Responsibility: Researcher
Projects for Graduate Thesis (in chronological order)
· Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Using Polymers, İTÜ Research Foundation, 5000 TL, 2010.
· Investigation of Activated Carbon Production Process by Using Thermogravimetric Analysis, İTÜ Research Foundation, 5000 TL, 2009.
· Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Using Polymers, 5000 TL, 2009.
· Flue Gas Desulphurization by Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Olive Stone, İTÜ Research Foundation, 5000 TL, 2008.
Consultancy (in chronological order)
. Grants (except the grants given by TUBITAK and ITU for international journal publications)
. Other activities
Papers published in peer reviewed international journals (in chronological order)
. Yavuz, R., Akyıldız, H., Karatepe, N., Çetinkaya, E., “Influence of Preparation Conditions on Porous Structures of Olive Stone Activated by H3PO4”, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol: 91, No:1, 80-87, 2010.
. Karatepe, N., Orbak, İ,Yavuz, R., Özyuğuran, A., “Sulfur Dioxide Adsorption by Activated Carbons having different textural and Chemical Properties”, Fuel, Vol:87, No:15-16, 3207-3215, 2008.
. Yavuz, R., Orbak, İ., Karatepe, N., “Factors Affecting the Adsorption of Chromium (VI) on Activated Carbon”, Journal of Environmental Science and Healt (Part A), Vol. 41, No.9, 1967-1980, 2006.
. Altun-Çiftçioğlu, G., Özyuğuran, A., Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., “Effect of Magnesium Ions on the Sulphation Capacity of Limestone Slurry”, ” Journal of Environmental Science and Healt (Part A), Vol. 41, No.9, 1955-1965, 2006.
. Karatepe, N., Erdoğan, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Preparation of diatomite/CA(OH)2 sorbents and modeling their sulphation reaction”, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.59, 3883-3889 (2004).
. Karatepe, N., “Adsorption of a Non-Ionic Dispersant on Lignite Particle Surfaces”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.44, 1275-1284 (2003).
. Karatepe, N., “A Comparison on the Flue Gas Desulphurization Processes”, Energy Sources, Vol.22, 197-206 (2000).
. Yaman, S., Karatepe, N., Küçükbayrak, S., “Influence of Wet Oxidation on the Surface Area and the Porosity of Some Lignites”, Fuel, Vol.79/9, 1017-1022 (2000).
. Yaman, S., Cinpolat, E., Karatepe, N., Küçükbayrak, S., “Influence of Oxidative Treatments on the Thermal Reactivity of Lignites ”, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.335, 63-68 (1999).
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A.,Yavuz, R., Küçükbayrak, S., “Kinetic Model for Desulphurization at Low Temperatures Using Hydrated Sorbent”, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.335/1-2, 131-138 (1999).
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Activation of Ca(OH)2 Using Different Siliceous Materials”, Environmental Technology, Vol.20, 377-385 (1999).
. Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Karatepe, N., Küçükbayrak, S., Kafa, S., Gürsoy, G., “Regeneration of Sulfated Dolomite and Limestone by Reductive Decomposition”, Energy Sources, Vol.21, 589-593 (1999).
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Demirler, U., Küçükbayrak, S., “Determination of the Reactivity of Ca(OH)2-Fly Ash Sorbents for SO2 Removal from Flue Gases”, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.319, 171-176 (1998).
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Effect of Hydration Conditions on the Physical Properties of Fly Ash-Ca(OH)2 Sorbents”, Energy Sources, Vol.20, 505-511 (1998).
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Preparation of Fly Ash-Ca(OH)2 Sorbents by Pressure Hydration for SO2 Removal”, Energy Sources, Vol.20, 945-953 (1998).
. Karatepe, N., Haykırı-Açma, H., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Analysis of Four Industrial Coal-Fired Fluidized Bed Systems”, Energy Sources, Vol.19, 433-444 (1997).
. Karatepe, N., Küçükbayrak,S., "Proximate Analysis of Some Turkish Lignites by Thermogravimetry”, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 213, 147-150 (1993).
International Conference Papers (in chronological order)
. Karatepe, N., Yuca, N., Şenkal, B.F., “Hydrogen Storage in Carbon-Based Nano Structures”, the fifth International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), Pamukkale, June 27-30, 2010.
. Yuca, N., Karatepe, N., Hydrogen Adsorptıon on Carbon Nanotubes
. Purıfıed By Dıfferent Methods”, International Conference on Hydrogen Production-2010 (ICH2P-2010), İstanbul, June 16-18, 2010.
. Orbak, İ., Yavuz, R., Karatepe, N., “Adsorption of Copper (II) by Activated Carbon Prepared from Tunçbilek Lignite”, Global Conference on Global Warming 2009 (GCGW-09), İstanbul, July 5-9, 2009.
. Orbak, İ., Karatepe, N., Yavuz, R., “Adsorption of SO2 from Flue Gas onto Activated Carbon”, Global Conference on Global Warming 2009 (GCGW-09), İstanbul, July 5-9, 2009.
. Çetinkaya, E., Karatepe, N., Yavuz, R., “Effect of Metal Impregnation on Flue Gas Desulfurization by Olive Stone Based-Activated Carbon” Global Conference on Global Warming 2009 (GCGW-09), İstanbul, July 5-9, 2009.
. Yuca, N., Karatepe, N., “Purification Techniques for Carbon Nanotubes”, Internatioanal Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanosystems, İstanbul, 10-13 Ağustos, 2009.
. Hacıyakupoğlu, S., Altınsoy, N., Karatepe, N., Baydoğan, N., Tuğrul, B., Demir, M., Çetinkaya, E., Oruçoğlu, E., “Investigation On Torrent Control by Using Clay and Activated Carbon for I-131”, LANDCON 0905 Conference, Serbia, May 26-30, 2009.
. Karatepe, N., Hacıyakupoğlu, S., Altınsoy, N., Baydoğan, N., Tuğrul, B., “İnvestigation of Radioiodine Isotope Adsorption on Activated Carbon”, The Fifth Eurasian Conference Nuclear Sciences and its Applications, 14-17 October, Ankara, 2008.
. Çetinkaya, E., Karatepe, N., Yavuz, R., “SO2 Removal from Flue Gas by Activated Carbon Preperad from Olive Stones”, 2nd EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, 16-20 September 2008, Italy.
. Karatepe, N., Orbak, İ., Yavuz, R., Özyuğuran, A., “SO2 Removal from Flue Gas by Activated Carbon”, 2007 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 28th-31st August 2007, Nottingam, UK.
. Yavuz, R., Karatepe, N., “A Thermogravimetric Study of Activated Carbons Prepared from Lignite”, 2007 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 28th-31st August 2007, Nottingam, UK.
. Özyuğuran, A., Şentürk, G., Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., “Effect of the Temperature on the Sulfation of Trona”, ” ECOS 2006, July, Greece.
. Karatepe, N., Özyuğuran, A., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., “Effect of Pressure and Alkalinity on the Reactivity of Ca(OH)2-Fly Ash Sorbents Used for SO2 Removal”, ECOS 2006, July, Greece.
. Gül, A., Dinçer, A., Yavuz, R., Karatepe, N., “Removal of chromium from Aqueous Solution Using Activated Carbon” SGEM International Scientific Conference, 13-17 June, Bulgaria, 2005.
. Karatepe, N., Özyuğuran, A., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., “Evaluation of Coal Fly Ashes as SO2 Sorbents” 3 rd International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, , İstanbul, 10-11 June 2005.
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Producing of Active SO2 Sorbents from Fly Ash by Pressure Hydration”, International Ash Utilization Symposium, USA, Kentucky, 20-22 October, 753-756, 1997.
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Beker, Ü., Küçükbayrak, S., “Preparation of Active SO2 Sorbents from Fly Ash”, 9th International Conference on Coal Science”, Essen, Germany, September, Vol III, 1723-1726, 1997.
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Reactivation of the Sorbents Used for Flue Gas Desulphurization” 13th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference,USA, 3-7 Sep., 234-239, 1996.
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Low Temperature Dry Flue Desulphurization Processes”, First Trabzon International Energy and Environment Symposium, Turkey, 29-31 July, 761-766, 1996.
. Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Karatepe, N., Gürbüz-Beker, Ü., Küçükbayrak, S., “Removal of SulphurOxides Resulting From Coal Combustion by Different Methods”, 2nd European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Italy, 11-13 September, 771-779, 1996.
. Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Production of Reactive SO2 Sorbents From Fly Ash”, Proceedings of International Ash Utilization Symposium, USA, Kentucky, 23-25 October, 1995.
. Özyuğuran, A., Karatepe, N., Küçükbayrak, S., “Thermogravimetric Analysis of Some Turkish Lignites”, 7th Int. Conference on Coal Science, Alberta, Canada, Vol. II, 121-124, September 1993.
Papers published in peer reviewed national journals (in chronological order)
· Tulun, T., Döner, G., Çalışır, F., Çini, N., Karatepe, N. , Meriçboyu, A., Tekin, A., Altun, A., Arlı, B., Arlı, H., “An Archaeometric Study on Ancient Iznik Ceramics ”, BAÜ Journal of Science and Technology Institute, Vol 4, No. 2 , 34-44 (2002).
· Karatepe, N. , Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Flue Gas Desulphurization Using Fly Ash”, Journal of Heat Science and Technology , Vol 19, No. 3-4 , 9-13 (1998).
· Karatepe, N. , Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Flue Gas Desulphurization Using Humidified Alkali Injection Method”, Journal of Environmental Technology, No. 18 , 28-31 (1997).
· Karatepe, N. , Küçükbayrak,S., ''Volatile Release Behaviour of Lignites” Journal of Heat Science and Technology , Vol 15, No. 1 , 27-33 (1992).
National Conference Papers (in chronological order)
· Yuca, N., Seçkin, C., Örs, A., Karatepe, N, “Carbon Nanotube Production and Investigation of Its Hydrogen Storage, Forth National Hydrogen Congress, Kocaeli, 15-16 Ekim, 2009.
· Seçkin, C., Karatepe, N, “Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Chemical Vapour Deposition Method and Hydrogen Storage”, Eighth National Chemical Engineering Congress, (UKMK-8), Malatya, 26-29 Ağustos, 2008.
. Örs, A., Karatepe, N., “Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes”, Fourth Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies Conference, İstanbul, 9-13 Haziran, 2008.
. Seçkin, C., Karatepe, N., “Metal Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Hydrogen Storage, Fourth Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies Conference, İstanbul, 9-13 Haziran, 2008
· Karatepe, N . , Yavuz, N, Özyuğuran, A., “Usage of Carbon Based Materials for Hydrogen Storage”, 10 th Turkey Energy Congress , İstanbul, 26 Kasım-1 Aralık, 2006.
· Özyuğuran, A., Karatepe, N. , Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., “Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Using Lime/Limestone Sorbent”, Third National Clean Energy Symposium , Vol II, İstanbul, 15-17 Kasım 2000.
· Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Özyuğuran, A., Karatepe, N. , Küçükbayrak, S., “ Briquetting of Kemerburgaz Lignite with Sibirian Coal”, Third National Clean Energy Symposium, Vol II, İstanbul, 15-17 Kasım 2000.
· Karatepe, N. , Ersoy-Meriçboyu , A . , Beker, Ü., Küçükbayrak, S., “Investigation of Sulphation Capacities of Fly Ash-Ca(OH) 2 Sorbents for Two Different Systems”, 7 th Turkey Energy Congress , İstanbul, September, 87-97, 1997.
· Haykırı-Açma, H., Karatepe, N., Beker Ü., Küçükbayrak, S., “Investigation of Some Industrial Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems”, Fourth Combustion Symposium, No. 1, 278-285 Bursa, 1995.
· Özyuğuran, A., Karatepe, N. , Haykırı-Açma, H., Küçükbayrak, S., “Determination of Some Properties of Coal Using Thermal Analysis Method”, 8 th Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Symposium, Vol.4, 501-506, İstanbul, September, 1992.
Book and/or chapters (in chronological order)
· Karatepe, N., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Küçükbayrak, S., "Flue Gas Desulphurization", Properties and Technologies of Coal and Environmental Relations, Chapter 24 (ed.Orhan Kural), İstanbul, 1998.
· Karatepe, N., Yavuz, R., Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Öztürk, M., “Pollutants and Emission Values from Coal Combustion” Properties and Technologies of Coal and Environmental Relations, Chapter 35 (ed.Orhan Kural), İstanbul, 1998.
Published Report (in chronological order)
· Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Karatepe, N., Flue Gas Desulphurization Using Fly Ash, State Planning Organization Project Report, 2005.
· Ersoy-Meriçboyu, A., Karatepe, N., Activation of Ca(OH)2 with Fly Ash in Alkali Medium Using Hydration Method, İ.T.Ü. Research Foundation Report, 1999.
· Total: 128 (source: Web of Science, as of 04/2010)