Elif Arıcı Bogner


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arıcı Bogner

Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute
Renewable Energy Division

Tel:  +90 (212) 285 6385
Fax: +90 (212) 285 3884
e-mail: aricibogner@gmail.com


Curriculum Vitae


10/2009        ‘Compact Management’ Certification of Business School, LIMAK, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
10/2007     Habilitation in polymer sciences for the academic title of "docent” by the Central Inter-Universitary Commission in Ankara/Turkey
05/2000     Promotion (Dr. rer. nat) for Doctor of Science in Material Sciences and Chemistry, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
03/1997    Master of Science in Physical Chemistry and Material Sciences, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
1991-1997        Chemistry study, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
1984-1991         Abitur, Istanbul Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

Professional Experiences

·Since 2013    Associate Professor at Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.  
04.2008-11.2011    Assistant  Professor at Physical Chemistry, Linz Institute for Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
04.2006-04.2008    Maternity leave.
04.2004-04.2006     Research Scientist at central research unit of SIEMENS AG, Corporate Technology, Erlangen, Germany.
01.2001-04.2004           Postdoctoral Research Associate by the group of Prof. Dr. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, at Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Physical Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
08.1997-09.2000:     Ph. D Student at Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences, by Prof. Dr. Joachim Wendorff at the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany.


•    ‘Solar Energy Conversion’
EBT 553E, Energy Institute, ITU, Maslak Istanbul Turkey (Autumn 2016-2017).
•    ‘Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells’
EBT 628, Energy Institute, ITU, Maslak Istanbul Turkey (Spring 2016).
•    ‘Solar Energy Conversion’
 EBT 611E, Energy Institute, ITU, Maslak-Istanbul Turkey (Autumn 2015-2016).
•    ‘Photovoltaics’
Energy Institute, JKU, Linz Austria (Spring 2014).
•    ‘Applications of Inorganic Nanoparticles in Devices’
Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, Physical Chemistry, JKU, Linz, Austria (Spring 2008-2010).

Referee for International Journals (in alphabetical order)

•   Referee in Solar Energy, Elsevier and Thin Solid Films, International Journal on the Science and Technology of Condensed Matter Films.

Scientific Research and Development Projects Involved

1.Project Title:     Hybrid materials for Si surface passivation and battery applications’
Project Manager:     Dr. Erik S.. Marstein, IFE Norway
National Project Manager: ENWAIR ENERGY under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici
Supported by:     European United-M-ERA-NET
Contract Number 9160062  Financal support: 830.000,00 EUR (2017) - 640.000 TL TR Budget
Duration: 36 months

Collaborations:  Prof. Dr. A. Cremades, Madrid, Spain.

2.Project Title:     Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide(CZTS) absorber material prepared by modified activated reactive sputtering(MARS) techniquefor efficiency thin film solar cells
Project Manager:     Dr. S. Karazhanov, IFE Norway
National Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici
Supported by:     European United-ERA-NET
Contract Number:  114M122 Financal support: 450.000,00 EUR (2013-2017) - 600.000 TR TL Budget
Duration: 36 months

Collaborations:  Prof. Dr. A. Subrahmanam, IIT, Madras, India

3.Project Title: Metallic carbon nanotubes as electrodes in photovoltaics
Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici Bogner, ITU, Turkey
Supported by: BIDEP-TUBITAK
Contract Number: 114C001
Financal support: 30.000,00 EUR (2013) Duration: 24 months

4.Project Title: Development of High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells Functionalized with Carbon Nanotubes.
Joint-Project  partners: Prof. Dr. Nilgün Yavuz,  Prof. Dr. Üner Colak, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici Bogner, ITU, Turkey
Supported by:  Tübitak-1003 Program
Contract Number:113M940  
Financal support: 98.956,00 EUR (20013)    Duration: 36 months

5.Project Title: Organic Electronic Devices: From ambipolar charge transport to efficient light-emission.
Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici Bogner, JKU, Austria
Supported by: FWF, Austrian Science Foundation
Contract Number:P20724-20 Ambipol
Financal support: 143.558,00 EUR (01.09.2008) Duration: 24 months

6.Project Title: Printable Opto-Electrical Components using Guest-Host Systems
Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Arici Bogner, JKU, Austria
Supported by:  FWF, Austrian Science Foundation, Elise Richter Program
Contract Number: V81-N20  
Financal support: 153.602,00 EUR (2008) Duration: 36 months

Other Projects

Project Title: ‘High Brightness OLEDs for ICT & Next Generation Lighting Applications, Integrated Project (IP)’, SIEMENS, Erlangen, Germany (2004).
Supported by: IST program of the European Commission's 6th Framework, www.hitech-projects.com/euprojects/olla/
Total Budget: 20 Million EURO
Duration: 24 months

Project Title: ‘Renewable Energies’
Supported by: Solar Energy Research Association (FVS), German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), JKU, Linz, Austria (2001).
Duration: 36 months

Project Title: ‘Photo-induced charge transfer in the novel low band gap polymer semiconductors and their use in the photovoltaic devices’, RTN EUROMAP Project, JKU, Austria (2001)
Supported by: European Commission
Duration: 12 months

Project Title: ‘Hybrid Solar Cells based on inorganic nanoparticles and semiconducting polymers’
Supported by: European Commission, JKU, Austria (2000).
Duration: 12 months

as doctoral student

Project Title: ‘Polymer Light Emitting Diodes’
Supported by: DFG, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany (1997).
Duration: 36 months

Grants, Prizes and Scholarships

•    BİDEP 2232 Grant, Tübitak, Ankara, Turkey (2013-2015).

•    ELİSE RİCHTER Grant, a precious grant of FWF for female scientists of any discipline in Austria, personally delivered by Dr. Johannes Hahn, Austrian Minister of Science and Education in Vienna, Austria (2007-2010).

•    MARİE CURİE Grant, a mobility grant of European Commission, Brussel, Belgium (2004-2006).

•    Organizing Committee SolarTR, Turkey.
•    TADEV (Türkisch - Deutsche Stiftung zur gegenseitigen Unterstützung und Ausbildung).
•    ANSOLE, an academic network for renewable energy projects in Africa.
•    Marie Curie Fellows Association, EU.

•     ‘Synthesis of semiconducting quantum dots’ at the University of California, Berkeley, USA (Host Prof. Dr. Paul Alivisatos (03/04. 2003).
•    ‘Synthesis of quantum dots’ at the Manchester University, UK (Host Prof. Dr.O`Brien and Dr. Peter Scabara, 06/07.2003).
•    Participating in Prof. Dr. Alan J. Heegers, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, Lectures on Conducting Polymers, Kirchberg-Austria (03.2002).

Papers in Refereed Scientific Journals

1) ‘Simple poly(p-xylylene)s as precursor polymers for poly (arylene- vinylene) and segmented poly(arylenevinylene)s: Synthesis, polymer analogous reactions,thermal properties and optical properties’ E. Arici, A. Greiner, G. Lüssem, O.Schäfer, S. Mang, C. Unterlechner, J.H. Wendorff*. Macromolecular  Chem. Phys., 199, 5 (1998) 807.

2) ‘Time dependence of steady state fluorescence in polymer guest host systems’ E. Arici, A. Greiner, F. Raubacher, J.H. Wendorff *, Macromolecular Chem. Phys., 201, 14 (2000) 1679.

3) ‘Optical properties of guest host systems based on cellulose derivatives’ E.Arici, A. Greiner, F. Raubacher, J.H. Wendorff*, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 201,15 (2000) 2083.

4) ‘Photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline CuInS2/methanofullerene solar cells’  E. Arici, N.S. Sariciftci, D. Meissner, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Volume: 385 Pages: 249­256 Published: 2002.

5) ‘Core/shell nanomaterials in photovoltaics’  Elif Arici*, Dieter Meissner, F. Schäffler, and N. Serdar Sariciftci, International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 5 (2003), Issue 4, Pages 199-208.

6)‘Hybrid solar based on nanoparticles of CuInS2 in organic matrices’ E. Arici*, N. S. Sariciftci, D. Meissner, Adv. Funct. Mat., 13, 2 (2003) 165.

7)‘Hybrid solar cells based on inorganic nanoclusters and semiconductive polymers’  E. Arici*, H. Hoppe, D. Meissner, F. Schäffler, A. Malik, N.S. Sariciftci, Thin Solid Films, 451-452, 612-618  (2004).

8)‘Morphology effects in nanocrystalline CuInSe2-conjugated polymer hybrid systems’  E. Arici*, D. Meissner, F. Schäffler, A. Malik, N.S. Sariciftci, Applied Physics A Vol. 7:9, 59-64 (2004).

9) ‘Effect of CdSe incorporation in polymer/PCBM solar cells’
J. N. Freitas*, I. R. Grova, L. C. Akcelrud, E. Arici, N. S. Sariciftci, A. F. Nogueira, Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (2010) 4845.

10) ‘Water soluble poly(1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole) as novel dielectric layer for organic field effect transistors’ M. Abbas, G. Cakmak, N. Tekin, A. Kara, H. Yuksel Guney, E. Arici, N. S. Sariciftci, Organic Electronics 12 (2011) 497–503.

11) ‘Temperature dependent charge transport in organic field-effect transistors with the variation of both carrier concentration and electrical field.’ M. Abbas, A. Pivrikas, E. Arici, N. Tekin, M. Ullah, H. Sitter, N. S. Sariciftci. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 495105.

12) ‘Synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4/Se4 nanoparticle inks for photovoltaic devices’  Ridvan Ergun, Cagdas Callı, E. Arici, Phys. Status Solidi C 12, No. 9–11, 1236– 1240 (2015).

13) ‘Carbon nanotubes for organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells’ E. Arici, S. Karazhanov in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 41 (2016) 137–149.

14) ‘MoOx Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films as Hole Transport Layer for Organic Solar Cells’ F. Çolaka , Z. Dalkılıçb , A. Tabatabaeic , R. Atlıbaturb , Ü. Çolaka , E. Arıcıa and N. Karatepe, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A,Vol. 131, No. 3, 474-476 (2017)

Conference Papers

1) ‘CIS plastic solar cells17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, E. Arici*, H. Hoppe, A. Reuning, N. S. Sariciftci , D. Meissner, Proceedings of the International Conference held in Munich, Germany (2001).

2) ‘Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline CuInSx 4thInternational Conference “Electronic Processes in Organic Materials (ICEPOM-4)” E. Arici, D. Meissner, N.S. Sariciftci , Lviv, Ukraine.

3) ‘Organic Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells Using Nanoparticles Embedded into Polymer Matrices’ D. Meissner, E. Arici, H, Hoppe, N. S. Sariciftci, SPIE Conference, Seattle, USA

4) ‘Quantum dots in photovoltaics’ E. Arici, D. Meissner, N.S. Sariciftci ’Solar`03’ , Luxor, Aegypt, 24.02.2003.

5) ‘Core-Shell Materials in Photovoltaics’, Elif Arici, Dieter Meissner, N. S. Sariciftci, Organic Solar Cell Symposium, Izmir, Turkey.

6) ‘Hybrid solar cells based on inorganic nanoclusters and semiconductive polymers’ E. Arici, D. Meissner, N.S. Sariciftci, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France.

7) ‘Nanoporous CuInS2 electrodes for hybrid solar cells’ S. Guenes*, Helmut Neugebauer, E. Arici, N.S. Sariciftci, Photonics for Solar Energy Systems, edited by Andreas Gombert, Proceedings of SPIE 6197 (2006) 619714.

8) ‘Hybrid LEDs consisting of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in polyfluorene matrices’ E. Arici, A. Hunze, K. Heuser, Conference of Nanoscience with Nanocrystals (NaNaX) 2006, Autrans, France.

9)‘Hybid materials and their potential applications for white light emitting diodes’ Elif Arici* International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, 2008, Penambuco, Brazil

10) Photosensitization of TiO2 with chlorophyll salt” E. Aslan-Gürel, E. Arici, N.S. Sariciftci, D. J. Fermin*, Proceedings, Book of EMPA PhD Students Symposium (2008) St. Gallen, Switzerland.

11) ‘CdTe Quantum Dots: From Colloids to Photoanodes‘  E. Aslan-Gürel, E. Arici, D. J. Fermin* Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference, 2009, Benidorm, Spain.

12) ‘Polymer guest-host systems and their potential applications for opto-electronic devices’ U. Abacı, D. A. M. Egbe, E. Arici* Winterschool on Organic Electronics, 2010, Planneralm, Austria.

13) ‘From Colloids to Photovoltaic Devices’  E. Arici* SolarTR-1, First Turkish Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Ankara, Turkey.

14) ‘Anthracene Based Conjugated Polymers: Correlation between p-p Stacking Ability and Electroluminescence Properties’  U. Abacı, D. M. J. Egbe, E. Arici* NanoTR-VI, 6th. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey.

15) ‘Influence of p-p stacking on the electroluminescence properties’ U. Abacı, D. M. J. Egbe, E. Arici* International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.

16) ‘Application of Carbon Nanotubes as Electrodes for Solar Cells’ O. Ürper, N. Yavuz-Karatepe, E. Arici, International Conference on Solar Energy For World Peace, Istanbul-Turkey.

17) ‘Challenges and Promises of CZTS Solar Cells’ Ridvan Ergun, Cagdas Callı,E. Arici INERMA, Istanbul-Turkey.

18) ‘High Purity Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Transparent Electrode Materials’  Mozhgan Laki, Amin Tabatabai, Nilgün Karatepe Yavuz, E. Arici, SolarTR-3, Third Turkish Solar Electricity and Exhibition Conference, Ankara, Turkey.

19) ‘Comparison of the CZTS material properties and defects in theory and in dependence of synthesis methods’ E. Arici, Ridvan Ergun, H. Karaagac, S. Karazhanov and A. Subrahmanyan, International Conference of Nanomaterials in Frontier Applications, ICNFA, 2015, Coimbature, India.

20) ‘High Purity Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Transparent Electrode Materials’  Mozhgan Laki, Amin Tabatabai, Nilgün Karatepe Yavuz, E. Arici, SolarTR-3, Third Turkish Solar Electricity and Exhibition Conference, Ankara, Turkey

21) ‘Thin Film Preparation and Characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4/Se4 for Photovoltaic Applications’ Ridvan Ergun, Cagdas Callı, E. Arici 11th. International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Munich, Germany.

22) ‘ Development of Carbon Nanotube-Based Organic Solar Cells’ A. Tabatabaei Mohseni*, F. Colak, R. Atlibatur, M. Laki, U. Colak, N. Karatepe-Yavuz, E. Arici, Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academic-Industry Meeting, UCLan, Preston, UK.

23)‘CZTS/n-nano Si and CZTS/n-CdS heterojunctions’ Yunus Emre Boya, Smagul Karazhanov, Elif Arici, ISCM 2016, Ghuangzhaou-China.

24) ‘Kesterite Growth and its relation to solar cell performance’ Yunus Emre Boya, Rivan Ergun, Elif Arici, SOLARTR2016, Solar Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey.

25) ‘Solution Processable Kesterite Solar Cells’  Eyüp Sercan Uygur, Elif Peksu, Hakan Karaagac, Elif Arici, BALEWARE Conference 11-13 December 2016 at NM-AIST in Arusha, Tanzania.


1) ‘Radiation emitting device e.g. light emitting device has radiation emitting functional regions and radiation out coupling material comprising polysilsequione and nanoparticles in optical path of function region’

2) ‘Organic light-emitting diode for lighting purposes predominantly emitting white
light mixed with colors and composite video signal conversation, comprises substrate layer structure, anode, cathode and intermediate arranged functional layer’ or ‘Oled with colour conversion‘


3) ‘Oled with colour conversion‘


4) ‘Radiation emitting device e.g. organic light emitting diode, has radiation directed primary element directs radiation towards side surface of substrate and decreases emission of radiation over main surface of substrate’

Book Chapters

1) ‘Hybrid solar cells’ E. Arici*, D. Meissner, N. S. Sariciftci, Chapter in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 3 edited by H. S. Nalwa,  American Scientific Publishers, California, USA 3, 929-944 (2004).

2) ‘Inorganic nanoparticles for photovoltaic applications’  E. Arici Chapter 8 of Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Perspectives (Nanomaterials and Their Applications) edited by C. Altavilla and E. Ciliberto, Crc Press Inc. 185 (2010).

3) ‘One-Dimensional Nanostructured Solar Cells’ H. Karaagac, E. Peksu, E. Arici, M. S. Islam
Chapter 15 of Low-Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials and Devices, NanoScience and Technology edited by H. Ünlü, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2016).
DOI:  101.1007/978-3-319-25340-4-15.