Ahmet Gültekin

Research Assistant
Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute
Renewable Energy Divison
Room No: 213
Tel: +90 (212) 285 3889
Fax: +90 (212) 285 3884
e-mail: ahmetgultekin@itu.edu.tr
•PhD, 2014-:Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
•MSc, 2014:Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
•BSc, 2010: Mechanical Engineering Department, Uludag University
Professional experiences (in chronological order)
•2012- Present: Research Assistant, Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University
•2011-2012: Research Assistant, Batman University
Research Interests (max. 5)
•Ground Source Heat Pumps
•Heat Transfer
•Geothermal Energy
•Thermal Energy Storage
•Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Groups and Society Memberships
•New Energy Technologies Research Group
•"BSUN Joint Master Degree Study Program on the Management of Renewable Energy Sources - ARGOS", August 2012, Summer school, Constanta, Romania
•“4th Renewable Energy Systems Winter School”, 15-18 January 2015, Afyon, Turkey
International Journal Papers
•Gultekin A., Aydın M., Sisman A. Thermal performance analysis of multiple borehole heat exchangers. Energy Conversion and Management. 2016;122:544–551
•Gultekin A., Aydın M., Sisman A. The effect of aspect ratio of allocation geometry on thermal performance of multiple borehole heat exchangers. (2016) (In preperation)
International Conference Papers (in chronological order)
•Gultekin A., Aydın M., Sisman A., “Determination of Optimal Distance Between Boreholes”, Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, February 24-26, 2014, California, USA
•Aydın M., Sisman A., Gultekin A.,“Long Term Performance Prediction of a Borehole and Determination of Optimal Thermal Response Test Duration”. Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, February 24-26, 2014, California, USA
•Gultekin A., Aydın M., Sisman A., Dincer S., Erdoğan C. “An experimental investigation of the effects of some design and operational parameters on heat transfer rate per unit borehole length” 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, May 12-16 2014, Montréal (Québec) Canada.
•Aydın M., Sisman A., Gultekin A., Dincer S., Erdoğan C. “Experimental measurement and long term predictions of a multi-U tube borehole performance for ground source heat pumps” 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, May 12-16 2014, Montréal (Québec) Canada.
•Aydın M., Sisman A., Gultekin A., Dehghan B. “An “Experimental Performance Comparison between Different Shallow Ground Heat Exchangers” Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015
•Gultekin A. “Thermal Performance Investigation of Borehole Heat Exchangers for a Commercial Building in Istanbul”, IV. International Energy Technologies Conference, December 15-16, 2016, Istanbul / Turkey
National Conference Papers (in chronological order)
•Aydın M., Sisman A., Dincer S., Erdogan C., Gultekin A. “Toprak Kaynaklı Isı Pompalarında Isıl Cevap Testi ve Kuyu Performansının Analitik Öngörüsü”, TESKON 17-20 Nisan, Izmir, Turkey, 2013