
Yayınlar - Radyasyondan Korunma ve Radyoekoloji Araştıma Grubu

SCI-Expanded Makaleler


  • Camtakan Z., Erenturk (Akyil) S., Yusan S., Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterization, and Uranium Sorption Properties, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 31(4), (2012).
  • Yavuz, R., Akyıldız, H., Karatepe, N., Çetinkaya, E., “Influence of Preparation Conditions on Porous Structures of Olive Stone Activated by H3PO4”, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol: 91, No:1, 80-87, 2010.
  • Çile, S., Altınsoy, N., Çelebi, N. Radon concentrations in three underground lignite mines in Turkey, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 138(1),78-82, 2010.


  • A B. Tuğrul, S. Haciyakupoğlu, S. Akyıl Erentürk, N.Karatepe, A.F. Baytaş, N. Altinsoy, N. Baydoğan, B. Buyuk, E. Demir, Investigation of Selenium Elimination From Aqueous Media by Using Activated Carbon, Causes, Impacts, and Solutions to Global Warming, Springer ( basım aşamasında).


Güncelleme Tarihi: 14.04.2014