RESUME and PUBLICATIONS University Education
.PhD, 1995 : Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
·MSc, 1987 : Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
·BSc, 1981 : Gazi University (Ankara DMMA), Mechanical Engineering (Mech. Eng.), Ankara-Turkey Academic Career
· 2005 - Present Professor, Energy Institute, ITU
· 2004 - 2005 Associate Professor, Energy Institute, ITU
· 2004 - 2004 Associate Professor, Mech. Eng. Dep., ITU
· 2003 - 2004 Research Associate, Mech. Eng. Dep., Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
· 2002 - 2004 Associate Professor, Mech. Eng. Dep., ITU
· 1999 - 2002 Associate Professor, Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
· 1997 - 1999 Assistant Professor, Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
· 1995 - 1997 Dr. Research Assistant, Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
· 1985 - 1995 Research Assistant , Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU Administrative Experience
· 18.02.2009 – Present Member of Strategic Planning Committee, Energy Institute, ITU
· 11.03.2009 - 31.05.2010 Member of the Reactor Safety Board, ITU TRIGA Mark -II Reactor
· 23.09.2009 - 15.12.2009 Head of Conventional Energy Division, Energy Institute, ITU
· 05.02.2009 - 27.05.2009 Vice Director, Energy Institute, ITU
· 05.02.2009 - 27.05.2009 Member of the Administrative Board, Energy Institute, ITU
· 05.02.2009 - 27.05.2009 Member of the Board, Energy Institute, ITU
· 24.09.1999 - ... 08.2002 Member of PhD Qualification Examination Committee of Nuclear Technology
Division, Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
· 11.11.1997 - 08.02.1999 Member of the Administrative Board, Institute for Nuclear Energy, ITU
· 22.07.1996 - 09.01.2002 Nuclear Reactor Operator, ITU TRIGA Mark -II Reactor
· 1990-1996 Mechanical Maintenance Responsibility, ITU TRIGA Mark -II Reactor Courses
· Multiphase Flows (Graduate)
· Advanced Thermodynamics (Graduate)
· Nuclear Reactor Safety (Graduate)
· Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (Graduate)
· Engineering Mathematics (Graduate)
· Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
· Thermodynamics
· Differential Equations
· Heat Transfer in Nuclear Reactors (Graduate)
· Thermodynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants -I (Graduate)
· Thermodynamic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants-II (Graduate)
· Reactor Experiments (Graduate) Research Interest Areas
· Safety and accident analysis of nuclear power plants
· Thermodynamic analysis of nuclear and other thermal power plants
· Two-phase flows and boiling heat transfer: modeling, code development, correlations, look-up tables
· Two-phase flows and boiling heat transfer: development of databank, correlations and look-up tables
· Optimization of thermal systems by finite-time thermodynamics
· Numerical techniques (CFD) for single and two-phase flows
· CFD analysis for single-phase and two-phase flows Reviewer for the International Journals
· Applied Mathematical Modelling
· Energy Conversion and Management
· Entropy
· Exergy – An International Journal
· International Journal of Energy Research
· International Journal of Exergy
· International Journal of Global Warming
· International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies
· International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology
· International Journal of Sustainable Energy
· International Journal of Thermal Sciences (founded as Revue Générale de Thermique)
· Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME
· Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Memberships for Scientific and Professional Societies
· Turkish Society of Mechanical Engineers (TMMOB), Turkey.
· Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques (TIBTD), Turkey.
· Nuclear Technology Platform of Turkey (TRNTP), Turkey. Supervised Graduate Thesis (Completed)
· Effect of Heat Leakage on the Optimal Performance of a Twin-Spool Turbofan Engine (Çolakoğlu, M., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, December 2015)
· Two-phase Friction Multiplier Look-Up Table for Water-Steam Flows in Vertical Tubes (Öztüzün, B., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, June 2015)
· Analysis of pressure drop measurements, selected two-phase friction multiplier correlations and pressure drop components for steam-water flows in vertical tubes, (Odabaş, İ.A., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, June 2011)
· Comparison of the predictions of selected correlations with the pressure drop measurements along a heated vertical tube for steam-water flow for the two-phase friction multiplier, (Gengeç, N.E., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, June 2010)
· Exergy analysis of a CANDU 6 Nuclear Generating Station, (Ünsal, V., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, January 2010)
· Methods and application of alternative defrost systems for evaporator of refrigeration systems, (Gümüş, E., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, June 2009) (Thesis Co-Supervisor: Lütfullah KUDDUSİ)
· Impact of ambient air conditions, load factor and intercooling on the performance of a combined-cycle cogeneration plant, (Yener, H.V., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute of Energy, Istanbul, January 2009)
· Nuclear power plant simulators, (Yıldırım, S., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul, May 2002)
· Thermal-hydraulic analysis of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor (Özkul, E.H., MSc Thesis, ITU Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul, June 2000) Awards . American Nuclear Society, Thermal Hydraulics Division Best Paper Award presented to D.C. Groeneveld, J.Q. Shan, A.Z. Vasić, L.K.H. Leung, A. Durmayaz, J. Yang, S.C. Cheng, A. Tanase, for the paper entitled “The 2005 CHF Look-up Table” presented at The 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11), Avignon, France, October 2005.
. The Best Paper Award presented to Mert Colakoglu, Tayfun Tanbay, Ahmet Durmayaz and Oguz Salim Sogut for the paper entitled “Effect of heat leakage on the performance of a twin-spool turbofan engine” presented at The 7th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition (7th IEESE), Usak, Turkey, June 18-20, 2014.
. The Best Paper Award presented to D.C. Groeneveld, J.Q. Shan, A.Z. Vasić, L.K.H. Leung, A. Durmayaz, J. Yang, S.C. Cheng, A. Tanase, by American Nuclear Society, Thermal Hydraulics Division for the paper entitled “The 2005 CHF Look-up Table” presented at The 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11), Avignon, France, October 2005.
Industrial Experience · 1983 - 1984, Mechanical Engineer in the Research and Development Dept., INOKSAN Corp., Bursa, TURKEY Reviewer for the Conferences
· 20th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress (ULIBTK'15), Balıkesir University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Balıkesir -Turkey, Sep 2-5, 2015.
· ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2015), , Houston, Texas, USA, November 13-19, 2015.
· 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11), Popes’ Palace Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005.
· The 1st International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT), by ASME and the South African Institute for Mechanical Engineers Kruger National Park, Skukuza, South Africa, 8-10 April 2002.
· 16th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress (ULIBTK'07), Erciyes University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Kayseri -Turkey, May 30-June 2, 2007.
Reviewer for the National Journals · Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
· Engineering-Architectural Faculty Journal of Uludag University Peer Reviewer for the Projects · UREP 11-153-… “Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Dec. 21, 2011.
· UREP 11-146-… “Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Dec. 21, 2011.
· UREP 10-049-… “Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), May 27, 2011.
· UREP 07-150-.-... “Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Dec. 14, 2009.
· UREP 06-092-.-... “Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), May 8, 2009.
· NPRP 08-494-.-... “The National Priorities Research Program (NPRP)” of Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Feb. 26, 2009. Papers Published in Peer Reviewed International Journals (SCI)
. Colakoglu, M., Tanbay T., Durmayaz, A., Sogut, O.S., Effect of heat leakage on the performance of a twin-spool turbofan engine, International Journal of Exergy, 19/2 173-198 (2016).
. Tanbay T., Durmayaz, A., Sogut, O.S., Exergy-based ecological optimisation of a turbofan engine, International Journal of Exergy 16/3 358–381 (2015).
· Sogut, O.S., Durmayaz, A., Effect of heat loss on the performance of a solar driven heat engine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 223/7 1615-1621 (2009).
· Groeneveld, D.C., Shan, J.Q., Vasić , A.Z., Leung, L.K.H., Durmayaz, A., Yang, J., Cheng S.C., and Tanase, A., The 2006 CHF look-up table, Nuclear Engineering and Design 237, Issues 15-17, 1909-1922 (Sep. 2007).
· Sogut, O.S., Durmayaz, A., Ecological performance optimisation of a solar driven heat engine, Journal of the Energy Institute 79/4 246-250 (December 2006).
· Durmayaz, A., Sogut, O.S., Influence of cooling water temperature on the efficiency of a pressurized-water reactor nuclear-power plant, International Journal of Energy Research 30/10 799-810 (August 2006).
· Ust, Y., Sogut, O.S., Sahin, B., Durmayaz, A., Ecological Coefficient of Performance (ECOP) optimization for an irreversible Brayton heat engine with variable-temperature thermal reservoirs, Journal of the Energy Institute 79/1 47-52 (March 2006).
· Sogut, O.S., Durmayaz, A., Performance optimization of a solar driven heat engine with finite-rate heat transfer, Renewable Energy 30/9 1329-1344 (2005).
· Durmayaz, A., Sogut, O.S., Sahin, B., Yavuz, H., Optimization of thermal systems based on finite-time thermodynamics and thermoeconomics, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 30/2 175-217 (invited review article) (2004).
· Durmayaz, A., Kadıoglu, M., Heating energy requirements and fuel consumptions in the biggest city centers of Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management 44/7 1177-1192 (May 2003).
· Durmayaz, A., Yavuz, H., Exergy analysis of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant, Applied Energy 69/1 39-57 (May 2001).
· Durmayaz, A., Kadıoglu, M, Sen, Z., An application of the degree-hours method to estimate the residential heating energy requirement and fuel consumption in Istanbul, Energy, The International Journal 25/12 1245-1256 (Dec. 2000).
· Durmayaz, A., Approximate functions for the fast computation of the thermodynamic properties of heavy water, Nuclear Engineering and Design 178/3 309-329 (Dec. 1997).
· Durmayaz, A., Sisman, A., Cetin Sisman, F., Yavuz, H., Xenon poisoning method for the determination of the average macroscopic fission and total absorption cross sections and the thermal neutron flux, Kerntechnik 62/5-6 245-248 (Nov. 1997). Number of Total Cites for International Publications: 229
Source: Web of Science (Nov. 16, 2012)
Number of Total Cites for International Publications:
. 414 cites, h-index: 9 (Source: Web of Science. June 22, 2016)
. 527 cites, h-index: 9 (Source: Scopus. June 22, 2016)
Papers Presented in Refereed International Conferences
. Uca, M.B., Çolakoğlu, M., Durmayaz, A., Energy and Exergy-based Performance Analysis of the Scimitar Engine at Mach 5.0, Proceedings of the 8th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-8), (Paper no: 243), Afyon -Turkey, May 11-13, 2016.
. Colakoglu, M., Tanbay T., Durmayaz, A., Sogut, O.S., Effect of heat leakage on the performance of a twin-spool turbofan engine, Proceedings of the 7th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-7), (Paper no: 152), pp. 477-500, Uşak-Turkey, June 18-20, 2014.
· Durmayaz, A., Odabaş, İ.A., Groeneveld, D.C., Gengeç, N.E., Assessment of Selected Two-phase Friction Multiplier Correlations for Steam-Water Flows in Vertical Heated and Unheated Tubes, Presented at the 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, (Paper: ICONE20POWER2012-54938), organized by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and held in Anaheim, CA, USA, July 30-August 3, 2012.
· Yener H.V., Durmayaz, A., Impact of ambient air conditions, load factor and ınter-cooling on the performance of a combined-cycle cogeneration plant, Presented at the 4th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium held in American University of Sharjah, UAE, 18-23 April 2009.
· Mollaoğlu, G., Durmayaz, A., Söğüt, O.S., Aydın, M., Performance optimization of a gas-cooled-reactor nuclear power plant with finite-rate heat transfer, Presented at the 4th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium held in American University of Sharjah, UAE, 18-23 April 2009.
· Durmayaz, A., Exergy analysis of water-cooled reactor nuclear-power plants, Presented at the Fifth Eurasian Conference Nuclear Sciences and Its Applications held in Ankara-Türkiye, 14-17 October 2008.
· Groeneveld, D.C., Shan, J.Q., Vasić , A.Z., Leung, L.K.H., Durmayaz, A., Yang, J., Cheng S.C., Tanase, A., The 2005 CHF look-up table, 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH-11) Paper:166, Popes’ Palace Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005.
· Shan J.Q., Groeneveld, D.C., Vasić, A.Z., Yang, J., Durmayaz, A., Peng, S.W., Cheng S.C., Methodology of CHF look-up table derivation, Presented at the 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, (Paper: ICONE13-50010), organized by the Chinese Nuclear Society and held in Beijing, China, May 16-20, 2005.
· Durmayaz, A., Groeneveld, D.C., Cheng S.C., Assessment of critical-heat-flux look-up tables, experimental data and selected correlations, Sixth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering Proceedings, Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 13-15, 2004.
· Groeneveld, D.C., Vasić, A.Z., Durmayaz, A., Shan J.Q., Leung, L.K.H., Peng, S.W. Yang, J., Cheng S.C., An improved CHF look-up table, Sixth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering Proceedings, Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 13-15, 2004.
· Durmayaz, A., Kadıoğlu, M., Assessment of the impact of climate change on the residential cooling energy requirement and fuel consumption in Adana, ITEC2001 4th International Thermal Energy Conference Proceedings, pp.51-56, Presented at the ITEC2001 4th International Thermal Energy Conference held in Çeşme- Türkiye, July 8-12, 2001.
· Durmayaz, A., Özkul, E.H., Determination of the thermal-hydraulic parameters of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, 1th Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Applications Proceedings, pp.81-95, Presented at the 1th Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Applications held in İzmir-Türkiye, 23-27 October 2000.
· Özkul, E.H., Durmayaz, A., A parametric thermal-hydraulic analysis of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, 16th European TRIGA Conference Proceedings, pp.3-23 - 3-42, Presented at the 16th European TRIGA Conference held at Institute for Nuclear Research, Pitesti-Romania, September 25-28, 2000.
· Büke, T., Şişman, A., Durmayaz, A., Yavuz, H., An experience on the bacterially infested ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor tank water, 14th European TRIGA Conference Proceedings, pp.2-19 - 2-22, Presented at the 14th European TRIGA Users Conference held at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Institute für Kernchemie, Mainz-Germany, September 22-25, 1996.
· Durmayaz, A., Şişman, A., Çetin Şişman, F., Yavuz, H., Determination of the effect of Xenon-135 poisoning on reactivity for the ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, 14th European TRIGA Conference Proceedings, pp.2-13 - 2-18, Presented at the 14th European TRIGA Users Conference held at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Institute für Kernchemie, Mainz-Germany, September 22-25, 1996.
· Yavuz, H., Durmayaz, A., Post-Installation evaluation of the neutron radiography facility of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, Twelfth European TRIGA Users Conference Papers and Abstracts, General Atomics, TOC-25, pp.4-45 - 4-54, Presented at the Twelfth European TRIGA Users Conference held at Institute for Nuclear Research, Bucuresti, Pitesti-Romania, September 28 - October 1, 1992.
· Yavuz, H., Durmayaz, A., Sarı, E., The Neutron radiography facility designed for ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, Eleventh European TRIGA Users Conference Papers and Abstracts, General Atomics, TOC-22, pp.4-1 - 4-15, Presented at the Eleventh European TRIGA Users Conference held at The German Cancer Research Institute, Heidelberg-Germany, F.R., September 11-13, 1990. Papers Published in Peer Reviewed National Journals
. Durmayaz, A., Nuclear Energy: Technologies and Safety, MÜSİAD Bulletin, Çerçeve, 56, 152-173, (Sep. 2011) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Kadıoglu, M., Impact of energy production on atmospheric greenhouse gases and global warming, Chamber of Meteorology Engineers Bulletin (TMMOB), 2, 7-14 (2001) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Kadıoglu, M., Energy transfer balance of the earth-atmosphere system, World Energy Council Turkish National Committee Bulletin 22, 22-28 (Feb. 1999) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Evaluation and estimations for energy, electricity, nuclear power in the world, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bulletin, Engineer and Machine (TMMOB), 39 (464) 24-32 (Sep. 1998) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Nuclear power reactors: world panorama, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bulletin, Engineer and Machine (TMMOB), 39 (463) 15-21 (Aug. 1998) (in Turkish).
· Bilge, A.N., Tugrul, B., Durmayaz, A., Gungordu, E., Nondestructive testing of industrial large specimens through gamma rays, Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Bulletin: Special Issue for Nondestructive Testing (TMMOB), 34-37 (1988) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., District heating through nuclear reactors, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Bulletin, Engineer and Machine (TMMOB), 29 (341) 12-18, (June 1988) (in Turkish). Papers Presented in Refereed National Conferences ·· Öztüzün, B., Odabaş, İ.A., Durmayaz, A., Methodolgy of look-up table development for two-phase flow parameters, 19th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress, Ondokuzmayıs University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Samsun-Turkey, 9-12 September 2013 (Paper no: ULIBTK’13-049).
· Odabaş, İ.A., Gengeç, N.E., Öztüzün, B., Durmayaz, A., Analysis of pressure drop measurements, two-phase frictıon multiplier correlations and pressure drop components for water-steam flows in heated and unheated vertical tubes, 19th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress, Ondokuzmayıs University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Samsun-Turkey, 9-12 September 2013 (Paper no: ULIBTK’13-048) (in Turkish).
· Tanbay T., Durmayaz, A., Söğüt, O.S., Ecological optimization of a turbojet engine with finite-rate heat transfer, 19th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress, Ondokuzmayıs University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Samsun-Turkey, 9-12 September 2013 (Paper no: ULIBTK’13-047).
· Durmayaz, A., Özgener, A., Özgener, B., An example to Turkey in possessing nuclear power: South Korea's model in nuclear power technology development strategy, Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM), "Turkey's Strategic Vision 2023 / Locomotive Sectors": Turkey 2023 - International Nuclear Technology Transfer Congress, Princess Hotel Ortaköy – İstanbul, September 21-22, 2012.
· Özgener, A., Özgener, B., Durmayaz, A., Turkey's nuclear energy expert needs and nuclear energy education in Turkey, Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM), "Turkey's Strategic Vision 2023 / Locomotive Sectors": Turkey 2023 - International Nuclear Technology Transfer Congress, Princess Hotel Ortaköy – İstanbul, September 21-22, 2012.
· Yener H.V., Durmayaz, A., Simulation and Performance Analysis of a Combined-Cycle Natural-Gas Cogeneration Plant, 17th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress, Cumhuriyet University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Sivas-Turkey, 24-27 June 2009 (Paper no: THE-043) (in Turkish).
· Sogut, O.S., Durmayaz, A., Effect of heat loss on the performance of a solar driven heat engine, 16th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress Proceedings, pp 1013-1019, Erciyes University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Kayseri -Turkey, May 30-June 2, 2007 (Paper no: ULIBTK07-234) (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Influence of cooling water temperature on the efficiency of a pressurized-water reactor nuclear-power plant, Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM), Importance of Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development (Workshop), Conrad Hotel, 27 July 2006.
· Sogut, O.S., Durmayaz, A., Ecological performance optimisation of a solar driven heat engine, 15th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress Proceedings, pp. 584-589, Karadeniz Technical University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Trabzon -Turkey, September 7-9, 20052005 (Paper no: OS-ULIBTK134) (in Turkish).
· Ustun, G., Durmayaz, A., Three-dimensional transient thermalhydraulic analysis of ITU TRIGA Mark-II Reactor by COMMIX-1C Code, VIII National Nuclear Sciences and Technology Congress Proceedings, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority and Erciyes University, Kayseri -Turkey, October 15-17, 2003 (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Exergy analysis of the thermal power plants and its importance, 2nd Environment and Energy Congress Proceedings, pp. 235-244, TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Istanbul-Turkey, October 15-17, 2001 (in Turkish).
· Kadıoglu, M., Durmayaz, A., Carbon dioxide emissions from the fuel consumption for building heating in Istanbul, 2nd Environment and Energy Congress Proceedings, pp. 11-19, TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Istanbul-Turkey, October 15-17, 2001 (in Turkish).
· Ustun, G., Durmayaz, A., Volumetric averaged mass and energy conservation equations for the thermal-hydraulic analysis model of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, 13th National Thermal Sciences and Techniques Congress Proceedings, pp. 247-254, Selcuk University and Association of the Turkish Thermal Sciences and Techniques, Konya-Turkey, September 5-7, 2001 (in Turkish).
· Kadıoglu, M., Durmayaz, A., Analysis of the natural gas use for the residential heating purpose in Istanbul, 1st Environment and Technology Symposium Proceedings, pp. 241-251, Istanbul-Turkey, April 17/18, 2000 (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Approximate functions for the thermodynamic properties of heavy water, VII. National Nuclear Sciences and Technology Congress Proceedings, pp. 459-466, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority and Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul-Turkey, September 3-6, 1996 (in Turkish).
· Durmayaz, A., Yavuz, H., Near stagnation flow in the horizontal fuel channel of a CANDU reactor during a loss-of-coolant accident, VII. National Nuclear Sciences and Technology Congress Proceedings, pp. 73-80, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority and Istanbul Technical University Institute for Nuclear Energy, Istanbul-Turkey, September 3-6, 1996 (in Turkish).
· Yavuz, H., Sarı, E., Durmayaz, A., Design and installation of the neutron radiography facility of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor, IV. National Nuclear Sciences Congress, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority and Atatürk University, Kazım Karabekir Education Faculty, Erzurum, 27-29 June 1990. Book and/or Chapter
· Durmayaz, A., Influence of cooling water temperature on the efficiency of a pressurized-water reactor nuclear-power plant, in: Hüseyinoğlu A., (Editor), Importance of Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development, pp. 75-89, TASAM Publications: 25, Istanbul 2006 (ISBN: 975-6285-27-3). Project Report
· Durmayaz, A. “A loss-of-coolant accident for a CANDU Reactor”, ITU Research Foundation Project, 1999 - 2001, Project Report, Istanbul.
· Yavuz, H., Ünseren, E., Bayülken, A., Tuğrul, B., Durmayaz, A., “Modernization of ITU TRIGA Mark-II reactor towards industrial utilization”, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Project, 1988 - 1993, Project Report, Istanbul. International Computer Code ·
Durmayaz, A., D2O Version 1.0, Thermodynamic & Transport Properties of D2O, NEA-1535, OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency, Data Bank, France, (June 5, 1998).
Distribution of the code by <>
· Durmayaz, A., D2O V1.0: Code System for Computing Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of D2O. RSICC CODE PACKAGE PSR-398. The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362 USA. |