Abdurrahman Satman
Prof.Dr., Head of Conventional Energy Division
Istanbul Technical University - Energy Institute
Conventional Energy Divison
Tel: +90 (212) 285 3885
Fax: +90 (212) 285 3884
e-mail: mdsatman@itu.edu.tr
· PhD: Stanford University, Petroleum Engineering, 1979
· MSc: Stanford University, Petroleum Engineering, 1976
· BSc: Istanbul Technical University, Petroleum Engineering Department, 1973
Professional experiences
· 1989- : Professor, ITU, Petroleum and Natural Gas Eng. Dept.
· 1983-1989: Associate Professor, ITU, Petroleum and Natural Gas Eng. Dept.
· 1985-1987: Research Engineer, KFUPM-Saudi Arabia, Research Institute
· 1979-1980: Acting Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Petroleum Eng. Dept.
Academic and Administrative Activities
· 2005-Present: Head of Conventional Energy Division, ITU Energy Institute
· 2005-2009: Director, ITU Energy Institute
· 1997-2005: Department Head, ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Dept.
· 1991-2000, 2006-2010: Division Head, ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Eng. Dept.
Courses (for last 10 years)
Name of Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Undergraduate and Graduate Program
· Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Fall
· Advanced Reservoir Engineering, Fall
· Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Spring
· Underground Storage of Natural Gas, Spring
Research Interests (max. 5)
· Heat and fluid flow in homogenous and/or naturally fractured reservoirs
· Geothermal engineering
· Natural gas engineering
· Underground gas storage
· Energy engineering
Referee for International Journals
· Energy (Elsevier)
· Renewable Energy (Elsevier)
Editorial board memberships
· ITU Journal/Engineering, Technical Editor, 2005-Present
· Turkish Journal of Oil and Gas, Editor, 2001-2007.
· Chamber of Petroleum Engineers (Turkey)
· Soceity of Petroleum Engineers (USA)
Supervised thesis completed
Master of Science
· Study on Coal-Bed-Methane Content of TTK Amasra Field and Coal-Bed-Methane Potantial of Turkey, Hayrettin Özgür Alptekin, FBE, June 2009.
· Gas Storage in Depleted Oil Fields, Mahmut Toprak, FBE, June 2008.
· Evaluation of Design Coefficient and Load Factor for Izmit Natural Gas Distribution System, Yavuz Ünal, FBE, Jan. 2007.
· Modeling of Low Temperature Geothermal Systems Consisting of Shallow and Deep Reservoirs, Emine Didem Korkmaz, FBE, Jan. 2004.
· Effect of Wellbore Conditions on the Performance of Underground Gas-Storage Facilities, Ömer İnanç Türeyen, FBE, Febr. 2000.
· Need for Underground Gas Storage in Turkey and Modeling of N. Marmara Gas Field For Storage, Hülya Karaalioğlu, FBE, Febr. 1997.
o Study on Natural Gas in Thrace Region, Gültekin Çınar, FBE, May 1996.
Doctor of Philosophy
o Lumped Parameter Models For Low-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs, Hülya Karalioğlu, FBE, April 2004.
o Modeling of Calcium Carbonate Scaling in Oil and Geothermal Fields, Züleyha Uğur, FBE, Dec. 1996.
Projects (research projects supported by BAP, TUBITAK, IAEA, FP7 and Industry)
· Evaluation of Production and Reservoir Engineering Performance of Germencik/Aydın Geothermal Field Project, supported by Gürmat, Dec. 2012-.
· Çaylarbaşı Oil Field Project, TPAO, Sept. 2009-, Coordinator.
· Batı Raman Oil Field Project, TPAO, July 2008-Aug. 2009, Coordinator.
· Energy Potential/Capacity Assessment of Geothermal Fields, Global Yatırım Holding, Oct.-Dec. 2008, Coordinator.
· Lumped Parameter Modeling of the Heat and Mass Flow Behavior of Low-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs, TÜBİTAK, Jan. 2006-2008, Researcher.
· Evaluation of Production and Reservoir Engineering Performance of Afyon Ömer-Gecek Geothermal Field, AFJET, Jan. 2004-Sept. 2005, Coordinator.
· 2008-Present: TPAO, Production from Oil Fields
· 2000-2002: Karbogaz A.Ş., Aksaray-Aratol CO2 Production Field
Papers published in peer reviewed international journals
· Sarak, H., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"New Lumped Parameter Models for Low-Temperature Geothermal Fields and Their Applications," Geothermics, Vol. 34, 6, Dec. 2005, 728-755.
· Karaalioğlu, H., Satman, A.:"The degree-day method to estimate the residential heating natural gas consumption in Turkey", Energy 28(2003) 929-939.
· Satman, A., Ugur, Z.:"Flashing point compressibility of geothermal fluids with low CO2 content and its use in estimating reservoir volume", Geothermics, Vol:31/1, Jan. 2002, 29-44.
· Satman, A., Onur, M., Mıhçakan, M.: "Equivalency of International Petroleum Engineering Programs", Jour. Pet. Tech., April 2001, 26-32.
· Satman, A., Yalçınkaya, N.: “Heating and Cooling Degree-hours for Turkey”, Energy, 15 Nov. 1999, 24(10), 833-840.
· Satman, A., Uğur, Z., Onur, M.: “The Effect of Calcite Deposition on Geothermal Well Inflow Performance”, Geothermics, June 1999, 4(1), 425-444.
International Conference Papers
· Hosgor, B., Cinar M., Haklidir F.T., Tureyen, O.İ., Satman, A.:”A New Lumped Parameter /Tank) Model For Reservoirs Containing Carbon Dioxide”, Thirty-Eight Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Febr. 11-13, 2013.
· Tureyen, Ö.İ., Satman, A.:”Multiple Lİcence Holders in the Same Area: An Expected Risk to Geothermal Development in Turkey”, Thirty-Eight Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Febr. 11-13, 2013.
· Satman, A., Tureyen, Ö.İ.:”Sustainability Factors for Doublets and Conventional Geothermal Systems”, Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Jan. 30- Febr. 1 2012.
· Satman, A.: “Potential and Applies in South-Eastern Europe/Turkey with special respect to the Desertec Initiative”, 1st Bochum International Geothermal Workshop of the International Geothermal Center, Der Geothermie Kongress 2011, Bochum, 15-17 November.
· Satman, A.:”Sustainability of Geothermal Doublets”, Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Jan. 31- Febr. 2 2011.
· Alkan, H., Satman, A.: “Reservoir-Production Characteristics of High Enthalpy Geothermal Fields in Turkey”, Der Geothermie Kongress 2010, Partnerland Turkei Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, 17-19 November.
· Satman, A.:“Sustainability of Geothermal Doublets”, Der Geothermie Kongress 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany, 17-19 November.
· Satman, A., Serpen, U., Basel, E.D.K.:”Turkey’s Geothermal Energy Potential”, Der Geothermie Kongress 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany, 17-19 November 2010.
· Satman, A.:”Geothermal Energy in Turkey:Use, Capacity and Potential”, Seminar at GZB, Hochschule Bochum, Germany, 15 Nov. 2010.
· Satman, A.:”Sustainability of a Geothermal Reservoir”, World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010.
· Basel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Turkey Geothermal Resource Assessment”, World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010.
· Basel, E.D.K., Satman, A., Serpen, U.:”Predicted Subsurface Temperature Distribution Maps for Turkey”, World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010.
· Basel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Turkey’s Geothermal Energy Potential:Updated Results”, Thirty-Fifth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca., Febr. 1-3 2010.
· Basel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Assessment of Turkey Geothermal Resources”, Thirty-Fourth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca., Febr. 9-11 2009.
· E.D. Korkmaz Başel, Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Geothermal Potentials of the Fields Utilized For District Heating Systems in Turkey”, 30th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, 11-13 Kasım 2008, Proceedings, 277-282.
· Onur, M. Sarak, H., Tureyen, O.I., Cinar, M., Satman, A.:”A New Non-Isothermal Lumped-Parameter Model For Low-Temperature Liquid Dominated Georhermal Reservoirs and Its Applications”, Thirty-Third Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, Jan. 28-30, 2008.
· Serpen, U., Korkmaz Basel, E.D., Satman, A.:”Power Generation Potentials of Major Geothermal Fields in Turkey”, Thirty-Third Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, Jan. 28-30, 2008.
· Onur, M., Çınar, M., Aksoy, N., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:"Analysis of Well Tests in Afyon Omer-Gecek Geothermal Field, Turkey," Thirty-Second Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Jan. 22-24, 2007.
· Satman, A., Onur, M., Serpen, U., Aksoy, N.:"A Study on Production and Reservoir Performance of Omer-Gecek/Afyon Geothermal Field," Thirty-Second Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Jan. 22-24, 2007.
· Satman, A., Serpen, U., Korkmaz Başel, E.D.:"An Update on Geothermal Energy Potential of Turkey," Thirty-Second Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Jan. 22-24, 2007.
· Çınar, M., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"Development of A Multi-Feed p-T Wellbore Model For Geothermal Wells," Proceedings, 31st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Jan. 30-Febr. 1, 2006.
· Onur, M., Aksoy, N., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:"Analysis of Well-Tests in Balcova-Narlidere Geothermal Field, Turkey," World Geothermal Congress-2005, Antalya, 24-29 April 2005.
· Gok, I.M., Sarak, H., Onur, M., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:"Numerical Modeling of the Balcova-Narlidere Geothermal Field, Turkey," World Geothermal Congress-2005, Antalya, 24-29 April 2005.
· Satman, A., Serpen, U., Onur, M., Aksoy, N.:"A Study on the Production and Reservoir Performance of Balçova-Narlıdere Geothermal Field," World Geothermal Congress-2005, Antalya, 24-29 April 2005.
· Sarak, H., Korkmaz, E.D., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"Problems in the Use of Lumped-Parameter Reservoir Models for Low-Temperature Geothermal Fields," World Geothermal Congress-2005, Antalya, 24-29 April 2005.
· Satman, A., Sarak, H., Onur, M., Korkmaz, E.D.:"Modeling of Production/Reinjection Behavior of the Kızıldere Geothermal Field by a Two-Layer Geothermal Reservoir Lumped-Parameter Model," World Geothermal Congress-2005, Antalya, 24-29 April 2005.
Papers published in peer reviewed national journals
· Basel, E.D.K., Cakin, K., Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Yeraltı Sıcaklık Haritası ve Tahmini Isı İçeriği”, Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları, Cilt 1, Sayı 1, Ocak 2009.
· Satman, A.:"Dünyada Enerji Kaynaklarının Bugünü ve Yarını," Elektrik Dünyası, Sayı:4, Ağustos 2006.
· Kaya, E., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"CO2 'in Jeotermal Sistemlerin Rezervuar ve Üretim Performansına Etkisi,"Turk Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Dergisi (TJOG), Vol. 11, No. 1, Şubat 2005, 27-36.
· Sarak, H., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"Jeotermal Sahalar İçin Geliştirilen Tank Modellerinin Uygulamaları,"Turk Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Dergisi (TJOG), Vol. 11, No. 1, Şubat 2005, 3-10.
· Satman, A., Serpen, U., Onur, M., Aksoy, N.:”Balçova-Narlıdere Jeotermal Sahasının Üretim ve Rezervuar Performansının Değerlendirilmesi”, Türk Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Dergisi, 9, Haziran 2003, 3-14.
National Conference Papers
· Başel, E.D.K., Satman, A., Serpen U.:”Türkiye Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyeli”, TMMOB Jeotermal Kongresi, Ankara, 23-25 Aralık 2009.
· Başel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Türkiye Jeotermal Kaynaklarının Değerlendirilmesi”, Türkiye 11. Enerji Kongresi, İzmir, 21-23 Ekim 2009.
· Başel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Güncel Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyeli”, IPETGAS 2009, Türkiye 17. Uluslararası Petrol ve Doğalgaz Kongre ve Sergisi, Ankara, 13-15 Mayıs 2009.
· Satman, A.:”Türkiye’de Enerji: Elektriğin Yenilenebilir ve Yerli Kaynaklardan Karşılanması”, IX. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi-Jeotermal Semineri, İzmir, 6-7 Mayıs 2009.
· Başel, E.D.K., Serpen, U., Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyeli”, IX. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi-Jeotermal Semineri, İzmir, 6-7 Mayıs 2009.
· Basel, E.D.K., Cakin, K., Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Yeraltı Sıcaklık Haritası ve Tahmini Isı İçeriği”, VII. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, UTES’2008, 17-19 Aralık 2008, İstanbul.
· Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Jeotermal Enerji Potansiyeli”, Jeotermal Enerjiden Elektrik Üretimi Semineri, TESKON2007, VIII. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 25-28 Ekim 2007, İzmir.
· Satman, A.:”Türkiye’nin Enerji Vizyonu”, Jeotermal Enerjiden Elektrik Üretimi Semineri, TESKON2007, VIII. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 25-28 Ekim 2007, İzmir.
· Ünal, Y., Satman, A.: “İzmit doğal gaz dağıtım sistemi için tasarım katsayısı ve eş-zaman kullanım faktörünün belirlenmesi”, Uluslararası Doğal Gaz Kongresi ve Sergisi 2007, 3-5 Mayıs 2007, Ankara.
· Kaya, E., Korkmaz, E.D., Onur, M., Satman, A.:"CO2 İçeren Jeotermal Sistemlerin Davranışı,"VI. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu-UTES 2006, Isparta, 25-27 Mayıs 2006.
· Satman, A., Onur, M., Sarak, H.:"Jeotermal Rezervuarların Modellenmesi", Teskon 2005, VII. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi ve Sergisi, İzmir, 23-26 Kasım 2005, Jeotermal Enerji Semineri Kitabı, 145-164.
Book and/or chapters
· Satman, A., Doğal Gaz Mühendisliği, 1986, İTÜ
· Satman, A., Petrol Üretim Tekniği, 1985, İTÜ
Published Report
· Satman, A. (Editör), Türkiye’de Enerji ve Geleceği, İTÜ, Nisan 2007.
· Total: 82 (source: SCOPUS, as of March/2010 )